Gatekeeping: Indie Comic Blocked by Marvel’s Mark Waid & Other Pros

Youtube Channel Diversity & Comics reports that, despite their wildly successful Indiegogo campaign, they have lost their publisher because of an ongoing campaign of harassment/defamation against the creator, Richard “Zack” Meyer.

Let’s discuss.

Zack’s video:
Bounding into Comics articles:

Drake Wins Sampling Fair Use Case (Smith v. Cash Money Records) #wtfu

Jimmy Smith was a pioneer of jazz on the Hammond B3 electric organ. One of this albums included a spoken word track where he claimed “jazz is the only real music that’s gonna last”.

Drake used this sample to say that “only really music is gonna last” and the Court deemed this Fair Use under Copyright Law.

Let’s find out why.

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Mayor of Wentzville, MO, Sued for Ejecting Lawful Citizen from Council Meeting

A concerned Citizen was approved to speak after the Mayor placed an “In God We Trust” on the Council Dais (Lectern or Podium). Before her five minutes were up, she was told to leave, then later escorted off the premises. The ACLU of Missouri has filed a Civil Rights lawsuit against the Mayor and Town on her behalf.

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