Upset about her case, Akilah Hughes tweeted at Youtube. Sargon and his attorney have taken the opportunity to show the court her pointed thoughts.
Judge Loses Mind Over Missing Pants
A Judge was so upset over his lost pants that he torpedoed his whole career.
Arrested! Molotov-Cocktail-Throwing Attorneys Bail Revoked
Two New York attorneys were arrested after firebombing a Police vehicle with a “molotov cocktail” made from a beer bottle. Prosecutors asked the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals to overrule the lower courts and revoke the perps’ bail.
Judge SLAMS Police for “Disgusting” Use of Tear Gas
A Federal Judge has Ordered Denver Police not to use tear gas / pepper spray and “less lethal” weapons on peaceful protesters.
The Truth Behind “Publishers” & “Platforms” – CDA Section 230
When does a platform become a publisher? And what is CDA Section 230 anyway? We get to the bottom of the mystery behind the Communication Decency Act.